cancer does not win

We are having an amazing spring break adventure together as a family. We returned for the 4th year in a row to Hawks Cay resort in Florida keys. This place holds so many great memories, experiences and firsts for all of us. This year is no different- jay caught his first tarpon (45 minute fight- in and out of the bridges, 150 lbs!) Wills caught an elusive hog fish and conquered his fears as he swung on the rope swing into the ocean at our favorite kayak spot, I jumped 4′ waves in the ocean on a jet ski (with crying wills clinging to my back begging me to stop! Ya, right!) and Bennett enlightened us all with the fact that, “every hour is happy hour here.”

It has also been hard to be in such a happy carefree place when our current circumstances seem anything533c5e97af3d79d0313e53cc but this. I can’t help but watch all the families enjoying such happy ease. Thinking about how our life has changed and how badly I wished for these happier times.

But then I look around and think – we are living the same life. I feel great, the boys couldn’t be happier, jay and I have an even deeper love having again faced the beast that is cancer.

Cancer does not win. I am taking back my vacation, my life and OUR future. I refuse to lose another day of this amazing life with our amazing family being a scared cancer victim. I am a cancer survivor- as I have been for the past 7 years. It is a part of who I am. (But Hopefully my April PET scan will show it isn’t a part of any new spots on my bones) But, it is only a PART of who I am. I am more than cancer. I have big plans with my 3 boys and I intend to be back here to the Florida keys many times.

Right now I have to put some squid on a hook and catch some dinner. One day at a glorious, palm tree swaying time.

It’s “happy hour”

one day at a time

Things are continuing to go well for us. My body is getting stronger each day and my heart and spirit too. We planted a “smoothie garden” over the weekend with all the yummy things we put in our morning smoothie- kale, spinach, etc… (Then it snowed- but I think the plants made it!) I went for a bike ride around Cherokee park.  Felt great to do something physical that I love.

The mornings are the hardest. There is a moment right when I wake up when I am still kind of in the fog of sleep that I am so happy, cozy and safe. Then I remember the reality that has engulfed us. And I 5332d4f98b5cd36d23ae623dphysically feel like I have been punched in the gut. I yearn for that peaceful moment to last a little longer. I am working at living in the present. The past is gone- I can’t get back the fearless, strong survivor who beat breast cancer and put it behind her. The future is unknown- I don’t know what will happen nor can I worry about it today. What I have is today. Today is a blessing and I am grateful for it.

Thank you for your encouragement on this journey. I hope it is a long, happy, one day at a time kind of adventure!

With hope

sweet silly moments

I’ve been doing this week on my own because Jay had to fly to Finland for a couple days. (just like the good ol’ days!) It has been really nice to just “do” life- make breakfast, ask the boys 5 times to brush their teeth, clean up puppy puddles, pack lunch boxes, etc… These are the everyday moments of life. Moments I cherish so much deeper now. I’ve decided a couple things: 1. We are not using the word terminal when we 53284a78ca16b4f25585d476talk about my diagnosis. I am not dying from this disease right now. I am living with this disease. 2. We are living each day in joy. If you see me around town please just laugh and talk with me like normal. I appreciate the hugs and concern. but no more tilted head, sad eye greetings. 3. We have a lot of people’s stuff I will never be able to find the owner to- Tupperware, pots, children’s clothing you let the boys borrow, etc… If we have something of yours please text me and l will look for it. 4. This is my sincere thank you to all those who have sent gifts, meals, flowers. I am usually really good at thank you notes. But, not this time. Please know we are grateful for your support. 5. I am living with stage IV metastatic breast cancer. Living!! We won’t really know more about my disease progression or stabilization until a pet scan at the end of April. Pain will also be my guide- if I start having pain we know we have a problem. But, for now, I am pain free!! 6. We are going to the Florida keys for spring break in a couple weeks. We are not taking cancer with us. Just our family of four, lots of healthy food, bathing suits and some fishing poles. Love!!

Easy being green

Today as i hustled out the door to get the boys to school I spilled my entire “green machine” smoothie all53225488ca16b4c052ff46b1 over myself, car, computer bag, etc… This would have really irked me a couple months ago. But, this morning it made me laugh out loud. I am living my life- one fabulous messy day at a time. It’s not easy to
face this new diagnosis. I am scared of the unknown. I yearn for the easy laughter and carefree joy I see in other people. But I am figuring out how to live within this new reality. I am loving each day, each breath and each hug. I’m even loving the sloppy green slime in my cup holders. I particularly loved when I was about to walk Bennett into kindergarten and he said, “mommy- do you think you can take off that gross sweatshirt.” “Sure babe” I said and took his hand with a smile. Love to you and joy… one fabulous messy day at a time. Lara

the beauty of each day

Just wanted to send a quick update to let those who care about us know how things are going.   I am putting together a team of people to help me become as strong as I can to fight this disease- oncologist, nutritionist, counselor, energy work, yoga instructor.  We are changing our diet to be more plant based (organic), low sugar and as natural as possible… which is harder than you would think.

531d247faf3d79484909a470I believe I can fight this.  That I have a lot of living left to do.   I am slowing down my day and taking time to breath.  I’m taking time each day to quietly be by myself and focus my body, mind and spirit on being strong and fighting this disease.

I am also laughing again and spending time with our family and friends.  Tomorrow, I am going to drive the kids to school… something I took for granted 2 months ago.  But, will lovingly be grateful for tomorrow.

Thank you to everyone who drops off meals, calls, texts, sends cards and gifts.  It means a lot to our family to have your help.

As I live each day to the fullest – I hope you will do the same.  Each day is a gift – embrace the ones you love, feel the strength in your body, let go of judgement and negativity, laugh with friends and be true to yourself.  Just a couple things I am doing ….

with hope,