The universe is laughing at me…

On January 2nd I wrote an inspired blog post on gratitude and living each day to the fullest. You may have read it… I closed with “cheers to 2017.”

Full of hope, I started the next morning with a sunrise yoga class. I had a productive day at the Hope Scarves office. Our Program Director Erica told a volunteer – “ today she’s even more fired up than usual.” Ha!  I picked up our boys from school and smiled in the afternoon sunshine.

Gratitude overflowing. Then…

I opened the door to our home to find our little dog Keeper had left gigantic turds all over the kitchen.

As I prepared dinner I dropped a dozen fresh eggs from our chickens all over the floor.

When I went to the cleaning closet to find a towel to clean up the mess, a light bulb rolled off the shelf and shattered around my bare feet.

As I tucked Bennett into bed and lay down to read with him I slipped off my slippers only to find they landed in a giant pile of dog barf.

Moments later I heard Keeper puking in the dining room.happens

2 hours and 5 piles of puke later I lay down exhausted.   Thankful that this was the s*^% I was dealing with.  Not discouraging treatment decisions or painful side effects (like so many friends I know).  I can take a whole lotta dog puke. This is what life is made of.

Even people brimming with gratitude and happiness have days that go wrong.

My husband Jay texted me the next morning – “today will be better.”

I texted him back “Today will be… and that in itself is the blessing”

Then, I went into the bathroom to find the toilet overflowing and little turds floating all over the tile.

I can hear the universe laughing and I laugh along. Thankful to be living every bit of this life… the happy and the “crappy.”

Keeping things in perspective,


4 replies
  1. Barb Aardema
    Barb Aardema says:

    It sure puts “bad day” in another context. Made me laugh, and I’m glad you could, too, in spite of all the hassles!

  2. Elyse Miller
    Elyse Miller says:

    You are so correct. I love reading your blog as you always find the silver lining and make me smile. You are so grateful for how good you feel and all you have as you are aware that not everyone has that. Life has been blah and full of yucky stuff so i am always in need of a pick me up Thanks for what you do. Big Hugs

  3. Sara Holland
    Sara Holland says:

    Oh Lara, I hope it’s okay that made me laugh!! Sometimes the joy of life is, well, life. Life with all it’s messes! Here’s to today!!


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