Roberta – Pittsburgh, PA

How did you become connected with Hope Scarves?
I met Lara, the founder of Hope Scarves during a conference in Dallas held for young women with breast cancer. I was in the middle of treatment and wearing my wig. I met Lara on our lunch break and she shared her journey with me. She showed me how to tie my scarf and shared her thoughts on starting Hope Scarves. I don’t believe I wore my wig again after that. Lara gave me that strength!

How did receiving the scarf and story impact your healing journey? Any advice for those currently fighting cancer?
Wearing my scarf was my badge of honor, it tells my story. While your physicians and medical team can give you excellent care, you need to be your own advocate, do your own research and make decisions that are the best for you. Don’t take life for granted, it can change in an instant.

Where are you currently in your life?
My miracle twin baby girls were born in December, 4 years post diagnosis.

What do you wish other people knew about Hope Scarves?
Hearing other women’s stories can bring so much encouragement. Receiving that scarf that was worn by someone else reminds you that you are not alone; someone has walked the journey before you.

What is your favorite inspirational quote or words to live by?
A friend of mine just told me this quote the night before my last scan and I love it: “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorry, it empties today of its strength.”

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