Entries by Lara MacGregor

in an instant…

I’m happy to share that our moments of joy seem to increase each day.   I am feeling more and more like myself and regaining the confidence I had several weeks ago that I can live with this disease.   I fell pretty hard after we learned about my early progression and it’s been hard […]

Life between the scans

I had a bone scan Friday to take another look at what the cancer is doing in my bones.  The scan revealed the area in my sacrum that has been the “problem” since the start.  It didn’t show the hip or femur lesions.  So, that means they are too small to be detected in this […]

The middle of the night fears

When I reflect on my true “skills” in life I would rank sleeping at the very top.  My whole life I have been a great sleeper.  I put my head on the pillow, fall fast asleep and don’t stir until I wake in the morning.  I never understood the restlessness people with sleep problems would […]