Face of Hope, February 2014 – Sandra (Louisville, KY)

1. How did you become connected with Hope Scarves?

Two years ago I went to a fundraiser for Young Survivors Group at Norton. I met Lara’s dad and he was so inviting and shared his story about his daughter and Hope Scarves. I was intrigued by the idea of the scarves and thought the scarves were so pretty.

2. If you donated a scarf please share what this experience meant to you or if you received a scarf and story please share how this impacted your healing journey?

I donated several scarves and my story with Hope Scarves to encourage other women in this fight. It was such a special experience to have an outlet to do this.

3. What are the things that provided hope and strength to you throughout your battle?

One of the biggest things besides my faith and belief in a higher power has been sharing experiences with other survivors and women who have been through what I have been through. They are willing to walk my journey with me and hold my hand. This has been so encouraging.

4. Where are you currently in your life after cancer?  Tell us about your hobbies, interests, family and what is going on these days.

I had a re-occurrence in March of 2013. My cancer metastasized to my bone and other areas. I am stage 4. I am in the middle of an aggressive treatment with infusions and injections. I am hopeful and my prognosis is good, but I am uncertain of my future.

5. What do you wish other people knew about Hope Scarves?

I think it is important for people who have received scarves to send them back when they finish treatment and share their story. There is someone out there who will benefit from your encouragement and find hope in your story. Pass it on!

6. What would you tell someone who is thinking about sending a Hope Scarf to a friend battling cancer?

Do it! A Hope Scarf is practical but it also a great way to communicate that you care.

7. What is something that you would like to do that you haven’t done yet? (ie. Bucket List)

I’d like to go out on New Years Eve with a nice looking gentleman and dance the night away in a ballroom.

8. What is your favorite inspirational quote or words to live by?

The grass is always greener on the side you water.

9. If your friends or family had to describe you in two words, what would those be?

Sweet – (even my blood sugar is high)

10. Please share something you learned having gone through cancer.

I’ve become a better human being going through cancer. I am able to understand life and its twists and turns and ups and downs. Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone so make the best of today.

2 replies
  1. Doris Garvin
    Doris Garvin says:

    Sandra Fleeks is an awesome courageous woman. She has a beautiful voice and is very soft spoken. You have to listen carefully when she speaks because you don’t want to miss the strength in her words.

  2. Sonnetta Jones
    Sonnetta Jones says:

    Ms Sandra,

    I am do grateful for survivors/ warriors such as yourself. God has allowed me to meet and speak to many of you ladies that encouraged me throughout my journey. Sending up prayers to the amazing God we rely on and serve.


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