1. How did you become connected with Hope Scarves?
I actually first heard of Hope Scarves at the onset, when Lara MacGregor gave a talk regarding her newly founded organization at the kick-off dinner for the Race for the Cure, several years ago at the Jeffersonville waterfront. At that time I donated a scarf. Recently, I was able to actually meet Lara at The Village Anchor, and that meeting brought me full circle to her mission of bringing Hope to those facing cancer.
2.Ā If you received a scarf and story please share how this impacted your healing journey. If you shared a scarf with a loved one please share this experience and what it meant to you.
After meeting Lara, and sharing our stories briefly, it meant the world to me that she herself sent ME a scarf! A gift of Hope! That week, I learned of a friend from kindergarten through high school, that was just diagnosed. Of course, I wanted to pass on that Hope, & so I sent her a scarf. They give a feeling of joy,and comfort upon receiving them! They convey “I am here for you, I am thinking of you!”.
3. What are the things that provide hope and strength to you throughout your battle?
I really believe I have a lot of inner strength. I was diagnosed 10 years ago with stage IV breast cancer, and there was NO WAY that I was going to give up! My family, and goals for the future, provided the WANT to keep going each and every day.
4. Where are you currently on your cancer journey? Tell us how you are living life over cancer.
I am currently ten and a half years from initial diagnosis. My journey has most recently become more difficult, as my doctor tries to find a treatment that will stop the progression of disease. I have gone through 4 treatments that have not worked, and currently am receiving a fifth, a new chemotherapy, with hope that this one is working.
I am thankful for each & every day, and try my best to enjoy what that day brings, whether it be time with my daughters or granddaughters, lunch with a friend or my mother, or peaceful time at home with my husband. Living MUST outshine the cancer diagnosis!
5. What do you wish other people knew about Hope Scarves?
Hope Scarves is a mission of bringing Hope to ALL types of cancer patients. As the mission has grown, I believe anyone experiencing cancer, has most certainly heard of Hope Scarves. Amazingly, Hope Scarves has reached patients young & old, from the United States & beyond! Continue to pass the HOPE!
6. What would you tell someone who is thinking about sending a Hope Scarf to a friend facingĀ cancer?
If you have a friend or family member diagnosed with cancer, by all means, send a gift of HOPE…a Hope Scarf!
7. What is one of your dreams or goals for the future?
I have been very fortunate to realize some of my initial goals….seeing a second daughter get married, having grandchildren. I don’t have a “bucket list”! I just keep planning events “down the road” with my family, and plan on being here to enjoy them all. After all, I am not in control, so I just continue living!
8. What is your favorite inspirational quote or words to live by?
I would have to say my pink blanket I received at diagnosis, says it all: “Joyful in Hope, Patient in Affliction, Faithful in Prayer” (Romans 12:12)
9. If your friends or family had to describe you in two words, what would those be?
If my friends or family had to describe me in two words, gosh (laugh), I’m not sure……
My daughters may say “best Mom”. We are very close! My friends may say I’m the ringleader YOURURL.com. Seems I’m the one that organizes activities etc. My Mom, who is 91, says I’m the glue that holds the family together!
10. Please share something you learned facing cancer.
I am still going through cancer, and always will be. As a good friend says, it’s like a bad part time job. Cancer takes a lot of time, but one has to strive to NOT let it become life’s focal point. There is too much joy in each day, to let cancer take over.