Entries by Lara MacGregor

Facing Life

Before me- the ocean and crashing waves, palm trees, our long dock leading to our picturesque palapa with its thatched roof.   Before me- the unknown of cancer,progression, sickness, fear, loss. Sadness. This is vacation with stage iv breast cancer.  I say cancer doesn’t come on vacation because in the midst of the snorkeling, fishing and […]

We Dance

Here I am – flying off to a tropical island with a mimosa beside my laptop eager to embark on another family adventure.  (One of the perks of jays frequent travel is the bump to first class and his generosity to give the seat to me!). As with all our travel, there isn’t room for […]

Lots of Little Wonderful

Life has been a big fun whirlwind lately.  Taking a moment this morning to reflect before my yoga class… Two years ago I looked at pictures of women facing metastatic breast cancer and wondered how they could be smiling.  How could they be laughing – don’t they know the reality of this awful disease… today […]

the sad parts. the happy parts

Tonight Wills was working on a social studies project about his ancestors.  We called grandparents and asked questions about when our family immigrated to the United States and why.  It was fascinating (more so for me, then Wills, but he’s 10).   In preparation for thinking about his ancestors he had to create a timeline […]