Entries by Lara MacGregor

My personal revolution… of sorts

20 days ago I started a program through my yoga studio called “40 days to a personal revolution.” This “breakthrough program is intended to radically change your body and awaken the sacred within your soul.” I was so excited to “dive deep into the wisdom of myself to liberate my true nature” However, this beautiful […]

birthday and brokenness…

A big day came and went last week and in the midst of all our busy-ness I hadn’t had time to reflect on it until this quiet Monday morning. I just dropped the kids off, grabbed a hot cup of green tea and settled into my favorite spot at Heine Brothers coffee. Yoga class in […]

Sara – Louisville, KY

Sara is one of our most dedicated volunteers- helping week in and week out with data-entry & scarf distribution. Today, instead of getting into her volunteer duties, we sat down with her as our next Face of Hope.

finding joy…

One of the hardest parts of having metastatic breast cancer is watching cancer take over the bodies of friends, rob them of their future and rip them from their families. (Harsh… I know. That’s just how I feel right now)  I can’t keep track of how many friends I have lost since my diagnosis in […]