Request Confirmation

What happens next?

If you requested a Hope Scarf – we will match your request to a scarf and story while carefully taking the cancer diagnosis, age, scarf type & color preference into consideration.  A Hope Scarf will be mailed within 2 weeks.

If you requested a Hope Cape – we will match your request to a cape and add a story not only for the child, but for the child’s parents and sibling if applicable.  A Hope Cape will be mailed within 2 weeks.

We welcome the recipient into the Hope Scarves Community.   To sustain this community, we encourage all recipients to share their story when they are ready.  There is no timeline.  While capes are meant to be kept by the child, scarf recipients often pass their scarf back to us.  When a scarf is returned, the scarf is dry-cleaned and both the scarf and story then travel on to another person facing cancer.